How to Easily Make a Fruit Salad for Diet

Fruit Salad is one type of food to a diet that is fairly easy to make and combined itself at home.
But making a match of fruit that corresponds to the completeness of different nutrients is certainly not easy.

So many types of fruit that exist in this world, there is a sour taste there as well that tastes sweet.
Therefore let's make a good and healthy fruit salad.

The following will be discussed some recipes and how to make a fruit salad for a simple diet and you can try at home. Let's start!

Easy Recipes Make Fruit Salad to Diet at Home

Making fruit salad for diet is not easy. Things should be considered, especially in the selection of types and nutrient content contained in the fruit.

With a fitting alloy, the body will still get the calories needed for the activity. The agency will stay healthy and you are ready to undergo every activity with prime conditions.

The main key in picking fruit salad for fruit diet is that the fruit is ripe but not in the condition of going foul. Avoid the fruits sold in the form of clipped, because this fruit tends to be faster rot compared to the whole fruit.

If necessary, do a check on the skin of the fruit you are buying. Avoid bruising or spotted fruit peel.

How to Easily Make a Fruit Salad for Diet

Some types of fruit that you can choose to make a healthy and fresh fruit salad to diet among others apples, watermelon, grapes, berries/strawberries, kiwi, mango, orange, and dragon fruit. Banana fruit is also a source of potassium that is important to be included in your fruit salad list.

Make sure the fruit you buy is fresh fruit. In addition, it would be better if the fruits you choose are organic fruits that are pesticide-free. It is also important to always be sure to buy new fruit and not approach the expiration date.

The main component besides fruit, if it will make a fruit salad for diet, is salad dressing. You can use mayonnaise, cheese, yogurt or milk, and honey for your healthy fruit salad. Lime juice can also be a fresh and healthy salad dressing. Here's an easy recipe of making a fruit salad to diet at home:

1. Prepare Fruit Pieces

Fruit that you can use, among others, strawberry cut into 2 parts, kiwi fruit peel skin, wash and diced; Papaya peels off his skin, clean the seeds and cut small (dice size); Melon Fruit peel from its skin, wash and cut at the size of dice.

You can also add the already washed pear peel and diced. The same is the case with mango fruit and grapes. Mix all pieces of fruit into one medium-sized bowl to be ready to mix with salad dressing.

After the fruit cuts, you can save briefly in the refrigerator. While making a sauce or a healthy salad dressing.

2. Prepare Sauce or Healthy Salad Dressing

Healthy Salad Dressing remains necessary for the need for substances that cannot be fulfilled by fruits. For example milk as a source of calcium. You can choose milk that is low in fat or soy milk and almond milk as a substitute for cow's milk.

To make a healthy salad dressing prepare a grated cheese to taste, 250 ml of liquid milk. As a calorie enhancer and sweetness add 1 scoop of granulated sugar. Prepare also 6 tablespoons mayonnaise or yogurt if there is no mayonnaise available.

The first step to making a healthy fruit salad sauce is by dissolving cornstarch with 3 tablespoons of liquid milk. After dissolves, add the remaining liquid milk and sugar to the pan, cook over small heat until boiling and viscous. Stir well then turn off the flame.

Then add 6 spoons of mayonnaise or yogurt plain into the sauce. Wait until cool. You can move it into the bottle to be stored in the refrigerator. This sauce can last for one week in the refrigerator.

3. Mix Fruit Pieces with Dressing/Sauce That has Been Made

After approximately 10 – 15 minutes The fruits and sauces are stored in the refrigerator. Fruits and sauces will become cooler and fresh to consume.

Just mix the sauce directly over the piece of fruit to taste. Add mint leaves and grated cheese over pieces of fruit to beautify the look. Fruit Salad for a healthy diet is ready for you to enjoy yourself or with family.

Various Benefits of Fruit Salad for Body

Fruit Salad is one type of dietary diet that is recommended to be consumed by the world's nutritional experts. The fruit salad contained various kinds of vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body.

Consuming fruit salad regularly can embellish the skin and hair. Because the fruit contains many antioxidant substances, such as vitamins C, E, and A that prevent from aging and damage to cells due to free radicals and sunlight that damages the skin.

Fruit Salad is also rich in fiber, so it will prevent you from the occurrence of constipation or hard bowel movements.

Actually, only consuming fruit salad only during the diet is less recommended. Because some important content needed by the body is not in the fruit salad.

For example, it is a protein substance. Protein is not found if you only consume fruit salad. Whereas protein is needed as a source of amino acids for the body in the process of maintaining tissue health, accelerate wound healing and cell repair.

Amino Acids in proteins are also very necessary for the process of oxygen transportation through the blood.

Protein deficiency when you undergo a diet will be more detrimental to your body. The body will break down proteins that exist in the muscles. So long as the muscles will lose their mass. Theoretically losing muscle mass will thus complicate you to lose weight. As more muscle mass is lost, the lower the calories are burned.

Other substances such as healthy fats or omega 3, calcium, vitamin B 12, vitamin D and zinc are those that you do not get only with the consumption of fruits. Calcium deficiency will cause you to risk of bone loss.

The healthy fat Deficiency of Omega 3 is proven to cause a person to more easily depression, and lower motivation to actively move.

Combining fruit salad with various other food sources that will be proteins such as meats, nuts and wheat are more recommended. For example, you can add pieces of apple fruit on boiled chicken meat, or salmon fried with unsalted butter.

Beans are also a good source of protein and fiber for your body while undergoing a healthy diet. It is very important that you always consult a nutritionist regarding the number of calories you need each day.

Such brief information on how to make a fruit salad for a healthy diet. Choose fruit that contains plenty of water as your healthy diet. Combine with vegetable and protein sources to be more complete nutrient content during the diet.

Have a good luck and good luck with your healthy diet!

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