How to Get Rid of Bad Breath You Can Try

Having bad breath can certainly decrease one's self-esteem, therefore it is important to know how to get rid of bad breath effectively.

The mouth is a means of communication to speak to others if our mouth smells bad will certainly interfere with comfort when interacting. And worse, often people do not realize it has bad breath but can be felt clearly by the person who is the opposite.

Our opponents may not be rebuked because they feel bad, but usually, they will show a disturbed expression, such as talking a little away from or not going to linger when talking with us.

Bad breath can be caused by various factors. The factors causing bad breath include the result of canker sores, rarely brushing teeth, smoking, and the presence of perforated teeth.
Canker sores can cause bad breath because the germ infection process is beside the mouth.

For people who are lazy to brush teeth will certainly cause bad breath especially when consuming food that does leave a distinctive smell in the mouth if not directly in the cleanse.

Toxic substances in the stacked cigarette can also make your breath smelling bad. While the tooth is perforated, it will ease the food tucked/trapped inside the tooth that long will decay and cause bad breath.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

To find out if you are troubled by bad breath, there is an easy way to test it. The trick is to lick the palm of your hand, wait a while until the water is drying, then kiss the palm of your hand.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

If it smells bad, it means you have a problem with bad breath. Therefore, immediately solve the problem of bad breath before more people feel disturbed by it. Various ways to get rid of bad breath are as follows:

1. Brushing your teeth regularly

How to get rid of the most prominent bad breath is brushing your teeth regularly. At the time of brushing the teeth should direct the toothbrush up to the sidelines of the inner teeth which usually have leftovers of the food left behind.

Use toothpaste that secretes fresh aroma while containing substances that strengthen the teeth. You have to brush your teeth regularly for at least twice a day, which is after breakfast and before bedtime.

The duration of rubbing is done at least 2 minutes until the tooth is completely clean. To get rid of the leftover food that is difficult for the toothbrush, we recommend using a dental thread or a toothpick to clean the rest of the food before starting the tooth brushing.

2. Using Mouthwash

You can also use mouthwash as a way to get rid of bad breath. This mouthwash usually contains antibacterial substances so that it can reduce the germs in your mouth and teeth that trigger the onset of bad breath.

Mouthwash is currently widely sold in pharmacies or stores around you. Mouthwash is either used when bedtime or used at important moments when you want to appear more confidently with a fresher breath.

However, all you have to remember is that even though you have used mouthwash, you should still brush your teeth regularly. And in its use should not be excessive so that the balance of good bacteria (normal flora) in the mouth is maintained.

3. Reduce sweet foods

Reducing food too sweet is also a way to get rid of bad breath. This is because sweet food is very liked by germs/bacteria.

So if the sweet food is left in the mouth/between the teeth, it will be very easy to lure bacteria to multiply.

Moreover, if the sweet food is easily tucked away in the oral cavity hard to clean with toothbrushes. Sweet foods that should be reduced are chocolate, sweets, cakes, and snacks that contain a lot of sugar.

4. Increase drinking water

How to get rid of the next mouth odor is to multiple drinking water. In addition to smooth metabolism, drinking water can also prevent you from bad breath, why can it be so? Because with a lot of drinking water fluid balance in the body is included in the oral cavity will always be awake.

At the time of our mouth cavity is dry and the water is slight, it will cause unpleasant bad breath. Therefore drink water at least 8 cups in a day that one of the benefits is to prevent at the same time to overcome the problem of bad breath.

5. Eat more fruit

Eating fruit is also a way of entertaining bad breath because of the nutrient content in it. The taste is fresh and the natural scent can also neutralize bad breath.

Vitamin C content in the fruit can function to kill germs/bacteria causing bad breath. This type of fruit is recommended to be consumed as an attempt to get rid of the bad breath, such as lemon, strawberry, guava, and pear.

6. Using Traditional Herbs

How to overcome bad breath can also be done using various types of traditional herbs. Traditional herbs are usually made from a herbal plant known to generations have the efficacy to repel unpleasant bad breath.

The traditional herb, among others, is using betel leaf, galangal, cilantro, cinnamon, and lime.

7. Drink Green tea

To get rid of bad breath can also be done by drinking green tea. Green tea contains an active compound called catechins which plays a role to protect teeth from damage, get rid of plaque, and kill bad bacteria in the oral cavity causing an unpleasant odor.

For those of you who have bad breath the problem, it is advisable to drink green Tea 2 – 3 cups a day.

8. Check with your Doctor

How to get rid of the last bad breath is by check/consult a doctor. Often people who have problems with bad breath, caused by health disorders in the teeth and areas around the oral cavity, such as plaque, perforated teeth, canker sores, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), or periodontitis (severe gum infection).

If you have dental and oral health problems then you should consult your dentist. You can also conduct periodic check-ups to check your dental hygiene and mouth as an early detection step.

To get rid of a temporary bad breath, you can also consume a mint type of candy. It can instantly reduce bad breath. But choose a type of mint candy that is not too sweet, because the excessive sweetness will trigger bad breath.

Consuming this candy certainly only solves the problem while for the long term then you can apply how to get rid of bad breath as it has been described above. 

For those of you who have a smoking habit, you should leave the bad habits, because in addition to disturbing the health of smoking can also cause unpleasant mouth odor.

If on your teeth attached braces should you clean your teeth more extra because it is more prone to cause bad breath?

And after the smell of mouth is resolved, then, of course, you have to take precautions so that bad breath does not come back, namely by always maintaining the cleanliness of the teeth and oral cavity, and apply diet with balanced nutrition.

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