List of Foods Containing High Protein

Foods that contain protein are foods that are very useful for one's health. Protein is an essential amino acid compound that serves as a build substance in the metabolic process of the body.

Also, food containing protein is also a good source of energy for the body, the proteins themselves are also a basic ingredient in the synthesis or formation of hormones in the human body and is one of the substances needed by the body in the repair damaged cells. 

For a child consuming foods rich in protein is a way to improve their growing processes and flowers.

Seeing so many of them advantages of consuming these protein-rich foods we will present some kind of food with high protein levels and also how our daily needs will be foods that contain these proteins.

Choice of Foods That Contains Protein.

Along with carbohydrates and fats, protein is one of the macronutrients which mean that our bodies need adequate amounts of protein every day.

Foods Containing High Protein

However, unlike the carbohydrates and fats stored in the form of reserves, the proteins are not stored in the body so that it takes an outside intake. So let's see what foods contain protein?

  • Meat
We certainly have known that the flesh is one of the so many foods that contain protein around us. This variety of meat is a very high source of animal protein in which 100 grams of meat contained 20 to 36 grams of protein.

You can choose different types of meat, such as beef, goat meat or lamb, chicken meat, and fish. Of the four types of meat is beef and it has the highest protein content.

  • Tuna Fish
Next, we will discuss tuna fish which is also a food that contains high protein. In 100 grams of marine fish contained 29 grams of animal protein and not only was tuna fish has long been known as food containing Omega 3 which is good for health and growing the flower of a child.

In addition to Omega 3 marine fish known to have red and white meat also contain vitamins A and D, calcium, iron, magnesium also good zinc for health.

  • Eggs
Food containing the following proteins is a source of protein that is very easy to obtain by various people. In 100 grams of chicken eggs contained 12.6 grams of protein especially on the white part.

This source of protein is very easily digestible by the body and not only proteins, in every grain of eggs you can enjoy vitamin A, vitamin B2, B6 and also B12, choline as well as iron substances.

  • Cheese
The food that contains the next protein is the cheese that is a product of processed milk. The protein content in cheese is 21 grams in every 100 of the kilogram.

In addition to containing cheese, proteins are also known to have a high calcium and phosphorus content and able to protect dental emails.

  • Soy Beans
Soybeans are known to have a high vegetable protein content that can be equated with protein content from fish and meats.

Some sources say the consumption of foods containing soy protein is better than consuming meats that are known to also contain a lot of fat.

Protein content in 100 grams of soybeans is as much as 36.5 grams. Very high is not it? This protein content you can get in a variety of soybean products like in Tempe, tofu, tofu and also soy milk.

  • Almond
The next source of vegetable protein that is not inferior to the height is almond beans.

In every 100 grams of almond contained approximately 22 grams of protein, besides almond beans, are indeed known as foods rich in vitamin E and also various types of micronutrients as well as unsaturated fatty acids.

Almonds are also one type of beans that contain adequate amounts of fiber and can be used as an additional menu or snack.

Then, What About The Daily Needs of Foods That Contain These Proteins?

After that, we follow that so many foods that contain protein that we can make food menu every day are now the time we talk about the daily needs of every human being for this protein.

The need for protein is not the same in every person especially in children and also adolescents because they need a higher protein intake for their growth.

In adolescent males with considerable physical activity, a protein intake of 7 ounces or about 198 grams per day is divided into three meals.

Unlike adolescent boys in girls, children over 6 years old need a protein intake of 2 servings of 170 grams and in children aged 2 to 6 years need a protein intake of approximately 142 grams each day.

In brief, each adult requires a protein intake of 10-35% of their total daily calorie needs. Choose from a variety of protein sources and low fat for your daily diet, such as the meat you have set aside fat, eggs and nuts too.

After we saw the discussion above, we certainly realized that food containing protein is so important for our survival. So many kinds of food with high enough protein content makes us also have many options to complement our daily menu.

We need to know, a diet high in protein is often used by people who want to lose weight in the hopes that this diet method is safe to run.

In this regard, it should be noted that the dietary method of using foods containing proteins can be used if we change the intake of carbohydrates by increasing the intake of protein and instead of adding fat intake can increase the risk of Heart disease and blood vessels.

By consuming high protein foods and low carbohydrates you are making your body run a metabolic process called ketosis that holds an important role to reduce weight.

Ketosis is a process whereby the body does not burn carbohydrates to acquire energy but switches by burning fat reserves.  

The result of this fat burning process formed ketone objects that will circulate in blood vessels that cause decreased appetite and also increased water production from the body to eliminate them ketone so that your weight will be Decreases slowly.

Such is the information we can share about foods that contain proteins and also the needs and usefulness of proteins in your body's metabolism.

Take care of your health by taking care of a healthy and nutritious diet!

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